Saturday, December 31, 2016

My Year of Books 2016


It’s the end of another year and I wanted to spend some time reflecting on my reading in 2016. Looking back on the year it was quite the active for me. I went on a lot of reading binges, I read many books from many of genres, and I met my set goals for the year. There was a time in the year that I was reading 3 or 4 books a week and there were weeks when I read one (if not two) books a day. Of course, there were weeks where I didn’t finish any books at all, and even some weeks where I didn’t read anything at all.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ten 2017 Must-Read Books


Top 10 Books I’m excited to see come out in 2017 (with a couple of honorary mentions because there are so many good ones!)

Just as a note, I feel I should mention that not all books I want to read are on this list. There are some books that I have omitted that I probably will read that I left out for various reasons. For example, eventually I will want to read Ships of the Dead (Magnus Chase #3) by Rick Riordan, but I haven't actually read the Hammer of Thor so I decided it probably wasn't proper to include it on this list, even though I am still relatively excited that it's coming out.

Friday, December 2, 2016

NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month)

This last November (and October...and September...and maybe August) I have been really slacking on this website. I really don't have much of an excuse for August and September except for the all to common "I was busy." However, in October and November I had (somewhat) of a legitimate excuse. This year I decided to participate in the National November Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) so for the second half of October I spent it deciding what story I wanted to pursue and planning it out. Then in November I started writing.


NaNoWriMo started in 1999 with 21 participants. Since then the event has been steadily growing until this year which had more than 430,000 participants! It's a pretty simple concept: for the month of November you need to write at least 50,000 words that cumulates into some sort of story. Basically, you speed write a short novel. It's quite a challenging task and I've never done it before so I figured why not try it.

in the school

At first, I figured it wouldn't be that bad. I mean 1667 words a day doesn't sound that hard. On the first few days the words just flowed. I did my 1667 words and then some. Of course, after about 4 days of that it all came to a screeching halt. After the opening scenes the story just sort of stopped. In all my planning I only really got the skeleton of the story together. I had all the big scenes planned, but I realized I never finalized the bridges that linked the scenes together. I slugged through the first 10,000 words. I kept hoping that once I reached a certain point in the story it would start flowing again. Well, I kept holding out hope and it never came. At the end of 30 days I ended up with the slim 13,530 words. Quite an impressive amount for me, but a colossal failure for the challenge. Even though I wasn't able to successfully complete NaNoWriMo I did learn a lot.

nanowrimoFor starters, writing a book is hard! I mean, I always knew that it was hard but now I have a tiny glimpse of how authors actually work. I know it's a bit presumptuous, but on a slight level I can sort of understand the troubles authors can go through writing their stories. The worst book I've ever read was still better than the drivel I wrote.

Which brings me to my second point, I thought about sharing what my story is about but, in the end, I've decided against it. I've had this story idea for quite some time, but it was always just sort of a fleeting idea. The basic summary has always been the same, only the filling has changed. My story ideas and the way I write reveals my inner most thoughts and the way I think. I let my readers see the world as I see it. It's somewhat of an intimate experience. That's what happens when I read other people's work (for the most part). I would imagine it's not like this for all writers, but for me that's how it is. I'm a bit wary of people reading my story and judging it, especially in it's unfinished state. Having someone reading my story is basically sharing a part of myself.

nano_2015_bannerBottom line, participating in NaNoWriMo was a wonderful experience. I didn't finish but I certainly don't intend to give up now! It may take a few months (or probably more), but I will continue until I hopefully finish. I hope that one day, maybe when the story is finished, I will be confidant enough to at least share what the story is about and maybe the whole story in and of itself. It may not be any good, and it probably won't be publishing worthy, but that won't change the fact that it's mine. And next November maybe I try again with a different story and hopefully be able to complete the challenge!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Review! Poison is Not Polite

poison-is-not-polite-9781481422154_lgAuthor: Robin Stevens

336 Pages-Ages 10 and up

Published by: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on April 26, 2016

Summary (from

Schoolgirl detectives Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong are at Daisy’s home, Fallingford, for the holidays. Daisy’s glamorous mother is throwing a tea party for Daisy’s birthday, and the whole family is invited, from eccentric Aunt Saskia to dashing Uncle Felix. But it soon becomes clear that this party isn’t about Daisy after all—and she is furious. But Daisy’s anger falls to the wayside when one of their guests falls seriously and mysteriously ill—and everything points to poison. It’s up to Daisy and Hazel to find out what’s really going on.

With wild storms preventing everyone from leaving, or the police from arriving, Fallingford suddenly feels like a very dangerous place to be. Not a single person present is what they seem—and everyone has a secret or two. And when someone very close to Daisy begins to act suspiciously, the Detective Society does everything they can to reveal the truth…no matter the consequences.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Scary Godmother

17305Author and Artist: Jill Thompson

192 Pages--Ages 10 and up!

Published by: Dark Horse Books on October 26, 2010

Summary (from

It's Halloween night, and it's up to Scary Godmother to show one little girl just how much fun spooky can be! Meet Hannah Marie, who, with the help of Scary Godmother, stands up to her mean-spirited cousin Jimmy and her fear of monsters on her first Halloween adventure with the big kids. Later, Hannah joins forces with Orson, the vampire boy, to unravel a mystery near and dear to their hearts. Some of Scary Godmother's closest (and most frightful) pals get in on the fun too, including Bug-A-Boo, the Boozle, and Skully Pettibone.

Four of Thompson's Eisner Award-winning, fully painted children's books are collected here, in their entirety, for the first time (Scary Godmother, The Revenge of Jimmy, The Mystery Date, and The Boo Flu). This deluxe edition also features some of the earliest concept designs for this haunting and imaginative series.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Disney Descendants 2


Information released so far (from

Release: Summer of 2017

Written by: Josann McGibbon and Sara Parriott

Director, Executive Producer, Choreographer: Kenny Ortega

The summary to date:
The story deepens in the music-driven sequel to the global smash hit “Descendants,” as the teenage sons and daughters of Disney’s most infamous villains — Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay (also known as Villain Kids or VKs) — try to find their place in idyllic Auradon. When the pressure to be royally perfect becomes too much for Mal, she returns to her rotten roots on the Isle of the Lost where her archenemy Uma, the daughter of Ursula, has taken her spot as self-proclaimed queen of the run-down town.  Uma, still resentful over not being selected by Ben to go to Auradon Prep with the other Villain Kids, stirs her pirate gang including Captain Hook’s son Harry and Gaston’s son Gil, to break the barrier between the Isle of the Lost and Auradon, and unleash all the villains imprisoned on the Isle, once and for all.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Review! The Fine Art of Pretending

FIne-Art-cover-315x480Author: Rachel Harris

256 Pages--Ages 12 (and up)

Published by: Spencer Hill Contemporary on September 20, 2014

Summary (from

According to the guys at Fairfield Academy, there are two types of girls: the kind you hook up with, and the kind you’re friends with. Seventeen-year-old Alyssa Reed is the second type. And she hates it. With just one year left to change her rank, she devises a plan to become the first type by homecoming, and she sets her sights on the perfect date—Justin Carter, Fairfield Academy’s biggest hottie and most notorious player.

With 57 days until the dance, Aly launches Operation Sex Appeal and sheds her tomboy image. The only thing left is for Justin actually to notice her. Enter best friend Brandon Taylor, the school’s second biggest hottie, and now Aly’s pretend boyfriend. With his help, elevating from “funny friend” to “tempting vixen” is only a matter of time.

But when everything goes according to plan, the inevitable “break up” leaves their friendship in shambles, and Aly and Brandon with feelings they can’t explain. And the fake couple discovers pretending can sometimes cost you the one thing you never expected to want.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Secret Life of Pets 2 Announced

TSLOP_Banner_01Before The Secret Life of Pets has even finished it's run in the regular theaters, Illumination has already announced the sequel and it's release date (July 13, 2018). If you follow my blog you already know what I thought about the first movie. I just wasn't the biggest fan even though critics and audiences seemed to like it and give it positive reviews. The Secret Life of Pets got a 75% "certified fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes and has grossed (as of August 8. 2016) $502.9 million worldwide.

Even though I didn't really like The Secret Life of Pets, I haven't completely disregarded the sequel. In fact for the Despicable Me franchise I actually liked the sequel more than the original, so it's completely possible that I will like this sequel more than the original. Though, I actually really liked the original Despicable Me in the first place, while I wasn't a big fan of The Secret Life of Pets so this sequel is going to have to be like 100x better for me to enjoy it. They haven't released any sort of summary about what the movie would be about, but it probably will be some sort of variation of this movie with wittier lines, a more cohesive story, and better character development.

[caption id="attachment_1402" align="aligncenter" width="768"]I wish this was how I was awaiting the sequel. I wish this was how I was awaiting the sequel.[/caption]

Apparently Illumination believes that The Secret Life of Pets is successful enough to constitute a new franchise around it, making it the second from Illumination after Despicable Me. Illumination was founded in 2007 and it's first movie, Despicable Me, was released in 2010. I remember in 2010 walking through my mall there were HUGE posters of the characters hanging from the ceiling, there were McDonalds Despicable Me toys, and the commercials were airing all the time. Everywhere I turned there was something Despicable Me related! There was no way that you could miss that the movie was coming ouslice_despicable_me_logo_01t. All that marketing payed off because the studio grossed $543.1 million on a $69 million budget. For a studio's first film it really became extremely successful with the second film grossing $970.8 million and the Minions spinoff grossing $1.159 billion.  I wonder will The Secrets Life of Pets franchise be as successful? Honestly, I don't think so but I also didn't think the original movie was very good and most people seem to disagree with me so who knows? I'll probably keep an eye on this franchise out of curiosity, but I don't see myself participating much in the consumer craze.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Review! Wacky Raceland #1

DC-Comics-Wacky-Raceland-1Writers: Ken Pontac

Artists: Leonardo Manco

32 Pages—Teen+

Published by: DC Comics on June 8, 2016

Summary (from

The world has ended, but the race has just begun! Penelope Pitstop, Peter Perfect and the rest of the Wacky Racers vie for the finish line in a contest where the winner takes all and second place is death. Today’s trial: the shattered maze of freeways known as the Überpass, where they’re beset by giant sand beasts, mutated insects, and worst of all, Dick Dastardly’s murderously poor sportsmanship. The last thing they need after surviving the race is a brutal bar fight in a local dive, but that’s just what they get!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Review! Death of a Bacon Heiress

c64062ae-1d18-44cc-86f7-f2a547229f38Authors: Lee Hollis

320 Pages--Teen (and up)

Published by: Kenshington on March 29, 2016

Summary (from

When Hayley is invited to do a cooking demo on one of daytime’s most popular talk shows, it’s a welcome distraction from her empty nest blues. And the newfound fame certainly has its perks–especially when Olivia Redmond, the posh bacon heiress of Redmond Meats, offers Hayley a writing gig with a juicy paycheck.

But Hayley’s good fortune fizzles fast. The heiress is found dead with her pet pot-bellied pig, Pork Chop, squealing bloody murder beside her body, and clogged arteries aren’t to blame. It turns out Olivia’s inherited a wealth of enemies over the years, and as Hayley trims the fat off a mounting list of suspects, it’s clear that being rich and hot-tempered can be a recipe for disaster…

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Review! The Secret Life of Pets

The_Secret_Life_of_Pets_posterRuntime: 90 minutes

Release date: July 8, 2016

Budget: $75 million


Max (Louis C.K.) is a spoiled terrier who enjoys a comfortable life in a New York building until his owner adopts Duke, a giant and unruly canine. During their walk outside, they encounter a group of ferocious alley cats and wind up in a truck that's bound for the pound. Luckily, a rebellious bunny named Snowball swoops in to save the doggy duo from captivity. In exchange, Snowball demands that Max and Duke join his gang of abandoned pets on a mission against the humans who've done them wrong.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Review! Scooby Apocalypse #2

Scooby-Apocalypse-2-CoverWriter: Keith Griffen, J.M. DeMatteis

Artist: Howard Porter

32 Pages--Teen

Published by: DC Comics on June 15, 2016

Summary (from

The apocalypse continues as Scooby and the gang explore a mysterious facility that may hold the key to their survival. Little do they know that a particularly powerful puppy and his gang of mutated mutts are waiting in the shadows—and they’re ready to attack!



Yu-Gi-Oh! and the Millennium Pack


Sometimes nostalgia hits me hard.

When Yugioh first came out I adored the show and it’s various tie-ins. Yes, I know the show was cheesy. Yes, the concept was a bit wack—people in that world take a child’s card game way too seriously. Nonetheless, I loved it. I even bought some of the game boy advance games and started collecting the cards to build my own deck. Sure, my deck wouldn’t win a duel with a pro guy, but it was serviceable. I remember my first ever Yugioh card; I found it in the parking lot of a local high school. The card was Castle Wall and it was bent, had a few small tears, and a large crease down the middle like it had been folded in half, but I decided to keep it all the same. It was the first card in my collection and it still remains my favorite. Sixteen years ago when Yugioh Gx came out, I stopped collecting the cards but I still watched the show sporadically. Then there was that whole fiasco with 4Kids not dubbing the last season, instead skipping to Yugioh 5D’s. I was disappointed, but I switched and watched the first two or three episodes and I didn’t really like them so that was the end of my Yugioh fandom…until yesterday.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wacky Raceland Issue #2

5307260-0+wrac_cv2_dsWriters: Ken Pontac

Artist: Leonardo Manco

22 Pages--Teen+

Published by: DC comics on July 13, 2016

Summary (from

As the Racers roar through the ruins of San Francisco, Dick Dastardly takes a detour that uncovers a shameful secret from his pre-apocalypse days. Dick has a difficult decision: repeat the mistake that shattered his past, or man up and do the right thing? But does Dick even know what the “right thing” means? Meanwhile, Peter, Penelope and the others face a swarm of flesh-eating nanites that threatens to strip them to the bones.


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Review! Scooby Apocalypse #1

Scooby-Apocalypse - CoverWriters: Keith Giffen & J.M. DeMatteis (script), Keith Giffen & Jim Lee (story and character designs)

Artist: Howard Porter

28 Pages--Teen

Published by: DC Comics on May 25, 2016

Summary (from

Those meddling kids-Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and their dog, Scooby-Doo-get more ghost-debunking than they bargained for when faced with a fundamental change in their world. The apocalypse has happened. Old rules about logic no longer apply. The creatures of the night are among us, and the crew of the Magical Mystery Machine has to fight to survive-because in the apocalyptic badlands of the near-future, the horrors are real!

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Release Date: September 21, 2018

Director: Tony Cervone (Space Jam, The Looney Tunes Show, Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated)
Producers: Charles Roven (Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed), Richard Suckle (Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed), Allison Abbate (The Iron Giant, The Lego Movie)
Written by: Matt Lieberman (Dr. Doolittle: Tail to the Chief)

Monday, July 11, 2016


scooby2_1996628cRelease Date: September 21, 2018

Director: Tony Cervone (Space Jam, The Looney Tunes Show, Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated)

Producers: Charles Roven (Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed), Richard Suckle (Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed), Allison Abbate (The Iron Giant, The Lego Movie)

Written by: Matt Lieberman (Dr. Doolittle: Tail to the Chief)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Review! Girl v. Boy

2760876Authors: Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout

320 Pages–Ages 12 and up

Published by: Disney-Hyperion on December 27, 2011

Summary (from author’s website):

Fifteen year old Luisa Perez is not going to win any awards for school spirit. In fact, she and her friends make it a point to avoid all activities considered "extracurricular." So when her English teacher volunteers her to be an anonymous columnist for the school paper, Luisa's first impulse is to run. But, unlike her high-school dropout sister, Luisa does want to go to college—it may be her only ticket out of a life spent working at the cowboy-themed diner where she waitresses part time—and it would be nice to have something to put on her applications.

Her first assignment is to cover her high school's latest fund-raiser, which pits the girls against the boys. Luisa will cover the events from the female point of view, while another anonymous writer provides the male perspective—or, at least, that's how it begins. The two columnists soon find themselves engaged in an epic battle of the sexes—a battle that Luisa is determined to win, even if it means risking the best relationship she's ever had.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Review! The Black Sheep

1001004006096334Authors: Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout

368 Pages--Ages 12 and up

Published by: Disney-Hyperion on May 1, 2007

Summary (from author's website):

Fed up with her parents and all their ridiculous rules (they keep a binder full of them), fifteen-year-old Kendra Bishop writes away to The Black Sheep, a reality TV show that offers the chance to swap families with another teen. But when the camera crew, led by brash TV producer Judy Greenberg, shows up at her Manhattan apartment, Kendra starts to have second thoughts.

Too late. Kendra is whisked away to Monterey, California, to live with the Mulligan family in a household that couldn't be more different from her own—complete with hippie parents, their five kids and a pet ferret. Of course, when Kendra falls for Mitch, the Mulligans' seventeen-year-old son, it only complicates things further, especially since Mitch despises the reality TV show and everything it stands for. But given the chance, Kendra might just be able to juggle first love, her new stardom, and a pushy producer who will stop at nothing for higher ratings.

In this hilarious and touching novel, Kendra learns to live under a new roof but finds true refuge in the unlikeliest of places—her own family.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Review! Stealing Parker

stealing_parker-kenneally_miranda-18534873-frntlAuthor: Miranda Kenneally

242 Pages--Teens

Published by: Sourcebooks Fire on October 1, 2012

Summary (from

Red-hot author Miranda Kenneally hits one out of the park in this return to Catching Jordan's Hundred Oaks High.

Parker Shelton pretty much has the perfect life. She’s on her way to becoming valedictorian at Hundred Oaks High, she’s made the all-star softball team, and she has plenty of friends. Then her mother’s scandal rocks their small town and suddenly no one will talk to her.

Now Parker wants a new life.

So she quits softball. Drops twenty pounds. And she figures why kiss one guy when she can kiss three? Or four. Why limit herself to high school boys when the majorly cute new baseball coach seems especially flirty?

But how far is too far before she loses herself completely?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Review! Racing the Past

Author: Sis Deans

160 Pages--Ages 8-12 years

Published by: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) on May 15, 2001

Summary (from

A moving story about survival, recovery, and the power of determination.

There was something else driving Ricky as he sped down Ridge Road under that cloudless blue sky. "Everybody knows a Gordon's middle name is Thief." The hatred and hurt rose up inside him. His stride lengthened. His arms pumped faster. He could feel the new-found fuel burning in his muscles. Today would be the day Ricky beat the bus."The best thing your father ever did was get himself killed."

Though he'd never admit it out loud, secretly Ricky Gordon agrees. It's been three months since his dad's fatal car accident, but Ricky is still haunted by memories of violent beatings and hurtful words. His mind won't let him forget, and neither will the kids at school. And if Ricky gets into one more fight he'll be in serious trouble. The fights always begin on the bus. That's where the kids corner Ricky, teasing him until he's so angry that he hits back. There has to be another way to get to school. Ricky decides to try running.

At first the three-mile run is pure torture, but soon he begins to build speed and stamina. It's not long before people notice his dedication and his talent. And finally he accepts the challenge that has been facing him all along: he will race the bus -- and win.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Review! My Life with the Walter Boys

CoverAuthor: Ali Novak

368 Pages--Ages 12-17 (and up)

Published by: Sourcebooks Fire on March 1, 2014

Summary (from

From a fresh new voice on the contemporary YA scene, My Life with the Walter Boys centers on the prim, proper, and always perfect Jackie Howard. When her world is turned upside down by tragedy, Jackie must learn to cut loose and be part of a family again.

Jackie does not like surprises. Chaos is the enemy! The best way to get her successful, busy parents to notice her is to be perfect. The perfect look, the perfect grades-the perfect daughter. And then...

Surprise #1: Jackie's family dies in a freak car accident.

Surprise #2: Jackie has to move cross-country to live with the Walters-her new guardians.

Surprise #3: The Walters have twelve sons. (Well, eleven, but Parker acts like a boy anyway)

Now Jackie must trade in her Type A personality and New York City apartment for a Colorado ranch and all the wild Walter boys who come with it. Jackie is surrounded by the enemy-loud, dirty, annoying boys who have no concept of personal space. Okay, several of the oldest guys are flat-out gorgeous. But still annoying. She's not stuck-up or boring-no matter what they say. But proving it is another matter. How can she fit in and move on when she needs to keep her parents' memory alive by living up to the promise of perfect?

Ali Novak wrote My Life with the Walter Boys when she was just 15 years old. First a hit on the online community Wattpad, this debut novel has already been read over 33 million times and is loved by readers around the world.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Review! Ratchet and Clank the Movie

16987797004_8dcc7c071d_bRatchet and Clank The Movie

Runtime: 94 minutes

Release date: April 29, 2016

Budget: $20 million


Ratchet is the last of his kind, a foolhardy lombax who grew up without a family. Clank is a pint-sized robot with more brains than brawn. After stumbling upon a weapon that can destroy entire planets, they join forces with a team of do-gooders known as the Galactic Rangers. Together, they must stop the evil alien Chairman Drek from utilizing this dangerous technology. Along the way, Ratchet and Clank learn valuable lessons about heroism, friendship and discovering one's own identity.

Review! Disney Descendants: Return to the Isle of the Lost

Descendants_Return_to_the_Isle_of_the_LostAuthor: Melissa de la Cruz

320 pages–Ages 9-12 (and up)

Published by: Disney-Hyperion on May 24, 2016

Summary (from

Mal’s an expert at intimidating her enemies, but she’s broken the habit since leaving her villainous roots behind. So when she and her friends Evie, Carlos, and Jay all receive threatening messages demanding they return home, Mal can’t believe it. Sure, she’s King Ben’s girlfriend now, and she’s usually nice to her classmates, but she still didn’t think anyone would be silly enough to try to push her around.

The thing is, it kind of worked. Especially since she and her friends have a sneaking suspicion that their villainous parents are behind the messages. And when Evie looks into her magic mirror, what she sees only confirms their fears. Maleficent’s just a tiny lizard after her run-in with Mal at Ben’s Coronation, but she’s the worst villain in the land for a reason. Could she have found a way to escape? Whatever’s going on, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay know they have to sneak back to the Isle and get to the bottom of it.

Without its infamous leader, the island’s even worse than when they left it, but the comforts of home-even a home as gloomy as the Isle of the Lost-can be hard to resist for recently reformed villains. Will the kids be able to beat the evil bubbling at the Isle’s wicked core, or will the plot to destroy Auradon succeed?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I'm under construction! Again!

For those of you reading, sorry about the mess!

Due to difficulties with with the previous website I had (mainly that it would go down constantly and it eventually was so bad that the site was hardly ever up and running properly and I was still paying for it!) I have deleted the old website and relaunched it.

I exported all the files I had on the old site, but unfortunately the handy-dandy export function doesn't export anything aside from the posts, pages, tags, and comments. Unfortunately that means that all pictures and media files I've used along with the special features my website used to have (the goodreads bookshelf mostly) are all gone :(

So basically, I have to redo all of that. I can't say I'm too thrilled and it's going to take me a long time but hopefully I will be able to do it! I'm also hoping that the problem of the website going down constantly will go away since I've completely relaunched on a completely new droplet.

Thanks for continuing to read even through all of this! I hope the awful lack of pictures isn't too off-putting, but I promise to fix it as soon as I can!



Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Review! How to Break a Heart

CoverAuthor: Kiera Stewart

320 pages--Ages 9-12 (and up)

Published by: Disney-Hyperion on December 22, 2015

Summary (from

This time, even ice cream won't help.

Nick Wainwright is definitely the love of thirteen-year-old Mabry Collins's life, and when he dumps her in the most mortifying way possible, her heart is shattered. So, maybe they'd never kissed, but they had shared something special. They'd shared LOVE. True love. She's sure of it.

And Mabry would know. She's watched countless episodes of her favorite telenovela with her best friend, Sirina, and the characters have taught her everything about romance.

But when Sirina's usual methods for comforting Mabry fail, she has an idea: it's time for Mabry to break a heart of her own. And who better than Thad Bell to teach Mabry how to do it? He was the source of her very first heartbreak, and he seems to have his own reasons for wanting to see Nick suffer.

Mabry decides to give it a shot, but she's pretty sure Thad's advice will lead to disaster. After all, his sole passion is a burrito with extra hot sauce. Anyone with any sense knows that true love doesn't come in a foil wrapper! But if Thad can help her win back-um, that is, break-Nick's heart, then it might just be worth it.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Review! Cleopatra in Space Books 1 and 2

Author and Artist: Mike Maihack

176 Pages--Ages 8-12 (and up)  (Book 1: Target Practice)

192 Pages—Ages 8-12 (and up)   (Book 2: The Thief and the Sword)

Published by: GRAPHIX on April 29, 2014 (Book 1) and April 28, 2015 (Book 2)

Cover 1

Summary of Target Practice (from
When a young Cleopatra (yes, THAT Cleopatra) finds a mysterious tablet that zaps her to the far, REALLY far future, she learns of an ancient prophecy that says she is destined to save the galaxy from the tyrannical rule of the evil Xaius Octavian. She enrolls in Yasiro Academy, a high-tech school with classes like algebra, biology, and alien languages (which Cleo could do without), and combat training (which is more Cleo's style). With help from her teacher Khensu, Cleo learns what it takes to be a great leader, all while trying to figure out how she's going to get her homework done, make friends, and avoid detention!

Cover 2

Summary of The Thief and the Sword (from

Cleopatra's space adventure in the REALLY far future continues!

A mysterious thief has stolen the ancient sword Cleo recovered in Book One: Target Practice, and she's determined to get it back. But her teachers at Yasiro Academy forbid her from risking her life, so she's stuck at school, trying to adjust to her newfound popularity and responsibility. And when she learns more about the prophecy that names her the savior of the galaxy, she must go on a dangerous journey to find the time tablets that could decide her fate... before they fall into the wrong hands!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Review! Nightmares!

61-XnpTsEFL._SX340_BO1,204,203,200_Authors: Jason Segel and Kristen Miller

400 Pages--Ages 8-12 (and up)

Published by: Yearling on July 28, 2015

Summary (from

Charlie Laird has several problems.

  1. His dad married a woman he is sure moonlights as a witch.

  2. He had to move into her purple mansion, which is NOT a place you want to find yourself after dark.

  3. He can't remember the last time sleeping wasn't a nightmarish prospect. Like even a nap.

What Charlie doesn't know is that his problems are about to get a whole lot more real. Nightmares can ruin a good night's sleep, but when they start slipping out of your dreams and into the waking world—that's a line that should never be crossed.

And when your worst nightmares start to come true . . . well, that's something only Charlie can face. And he's going to need all the help he can get, or it might just be lights-out for Charlie Laird. For good.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Review! Gravity Falls Series Finale (Part 2--Post-Thoughts)


When I first finished Weirdmeggedon Part 3, I wasn’t sure what to think. I didn't feel satisfied because I felt that there were a bunch of questions unanswered. For example, what was Dipper's real name? What happened to Time Baby? What
Screenshot72a158ahappened to Blendin (and really the rest of the space time guys)? Is there significance that some characters have 4 fingers, some have 5, and Ford has 6 (other than Ford is an anomoly)? I know that Time Baby and Blendin were disinigrated by Bill, but I thought that was kind of a quick anti-climactic ending for them. I figured that they would show up in the last episode and help Dipper and Mabel beat Bill once and for all, but that didn't happen. I was never one of those extremely perceptive viewers who were able to crack all the different codes in the show, and after digging around the internet a bit I saw that some of the questions I thought were unanswered were actually answered in the codes. For example, one of the codes at the end of the episode said (from,

As for Dipper's real name, people say that it was hidden on the tree with all the writing on it at the end. Regardless, after watching the episode these questions (and more) were burning in my head, but after searching around the internet I realized that most of these questions were actually answered in a secret way. I guess in this day and age where the internet makes sharing information so easy it's not a big deal, but I can only imagine if there was no internet (or I decided not to look for it) then I would never find that information.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Review! Gravity Falls Series Finale (Part 1--Pre-Thoughts)

It's finally come. The ending of Gravity Falls. Tune in the evening of February 15, 2016 on Disney Channel to watch Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back the Falls!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Review! The School for the Insanely Gifted

9780061138737Author: Dan Elish

304 Pages--Ages 8-12

Published by: HarperCollins on Hun 21, 2011


Summary (from

Daphna Whispers is insanely gifted.

At age two and a half, she composed her first sonata.

At age eight, she completed an opera.

And now, at eleven and three-quarters, she is orchestrating a piano rhapsody.

With a résumé like that, it's no wonder she is a student at the prestigious Blatt School for the Insanely Gifted. But as sixth grade draws to a close, Daphna's mind is far from the upcoming "Insanity Cup" competition. She's preoccupied by her mother's disappearance two months ago.

When a mysterious man breaks into Daphna's small New York apartment, Daphna discovers that her mother's disappearance wasn't a random accident. Her mother knew something—and now somebody is after Daphna. What starts out as a simple fact-finding trip to the basement with her friends spirals into an international expedition. And while Daphna hopes to uncover the secret of her mother's disappearance on her global trek, the last thing she expects to uncover is an outrageous secret about the Blatt School.

And one insanely shocking secret about herself.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Review! We Love Disney Album

[caption id="attachment_1014" align="alignright" width="300"]We Love Disney Album We Love Disney Album[/caption]



Release Date: October 30, 2015

Length: 46:24

Label: Verve and Walt Disney

Producer: David Foster




Thursday, January 21, 2016

Review! Ungifted

13623928Author: Gordon Korman

228 Pages--Ages 8-12 (and up)

Published by: Balzer + Bray on February 18, 2014 (reprint edition)

Summary (from

The word “gifted” has never been applied to Donovan Curtis. It’s usually more like “don’t try this at home.” So when the troublemaker pulls a major prank at his middle school, he thinks he’s finally gone too far. But thanks to a mix-up, instead of getting in trouble, Donovan is sent to the Academy for Scholastic Distinction, a special program for gifted and talented students.

It isn’t exactly what Donovan had intended, but there couldn’t be a more perfect hideout. That is, if he can fool his family, the teachers, the superintendent, and a school full of fellow students with IQs well above genius level.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Reveiw! The Worst Class Trip Ever

{915B8FFE-796F-4FE0-B4A4-59F8C3A27819}Img100Author: Dave Barry

224 Pages—Ages 8-12 (and up)

Published by: Disney-Hyperion on May 5, 2015

Summary (from

In this hilarious novel, written in the voice of eighth-grader Wyatt Palmer, Dave Barry takes us on a class trip to Washington, DC. Wyatt, his best friend, Matt, and a few kids from Culver Middle School find themselves in a heap of trouble-not just with their teachers, who have long lost patience with them-but from several mysterious men they first meet on their flight to the nation's capital. In a fast-paced adventure with the monuments as a backdrop, the kids try to stay out of danger and out of the doghouse while trying to save the president from attack-or maybe not.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Review! Lawless

lawlessAuthor: Jeffrey Salane

288 Pages--Ages 8 to 12 (and up)

Published by: Scholastic Press on April 1, 2013

Summary (from

Break the rules. Save the world.

An action-packed, globe-spanning adventure begins here!

Welcome to Lawless, where the head of the class is a dangerous place to be.

M Freeman is the newest student at the prestigious (and mysterious) Lawless School. All she really wants is to fit in, but from the moment she arrives, her unusual skills have the whole academy buzzing. M excels at escape tactics. She’s a whiz at spotting a forgery. But can she tell right from wrong? She’ll have to figure it out fast, because some of her teachers are planning the crime of the century . . . and M and her classmates might be the only people who can stop them.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Update! The Candymakers and the Great Chocolate Chase

[caption id="attachment_1097" align="alignleft" width="200"]e4a0ca0e4d138084febbc8a6cb08fa3f The unofficial (obviously) cover.[/caption]

Recently, I published an article about the books that I am most excited for in 2016 (see it here).

The first book on the list was The Candymakers and the Great Chocolate Chase by Wendy Mass. In my article I started that the release date was unknown and there was not official summary but obviously I didn’t do my research well enough because there was a summary and release date set for it. It looks like the book will be released August 2, 2016. I was hoping for an early release date than that (April or May), but at least there is a concrete release date to get excited about! After reading the summary provided by the publisher (see below) I am even more excited to read this book!

Now that the book can be pre-ordered, you bet I will order it now!