Saturday, December 31, 2016

My Year of Books 2016


It’s the end of another year and I wanted to spend some time reflecting on my reading in 2016. Looking back on the year it was quite the active for me. I went on a lot of reading binges, I read many books from many of genres, and I met my set goals for the year. There was a time in the year that I was reading 3 or 4 books a week and there were weeks when I read one (if not two) books a day. Of course, there were weeks where I didn’t finish any books at all, and even some weeks where I didn’t read anything at all.

When I first started this website last year I signed up for an account at to try to help me keep track of what I read and when I read it. It’s become quite the useful tool in tracking my reading habits and also for looking back on my year in reading. In fact, at the end of the year Goodreads makes a report for their reading giving some statistics for the year:

According to Goodreads, in 2016 I read a total of 138 books, 32065 pages, and my average length of a book was 238 pages. The longest book I read was The Candymakers and the Great Chocolate Chase at 544 pages. The shortest being Scooby Doo and the Truth Behind Mummies at 24 pages.untitled

My initial goal for the year was 40 books and somehow I managed to meet that goal pretty early in the year, probably around March or April. After meeting that goal I decided to mentally up that goal to 100 books for the year, which I thought would be quite impossible to accomplish, but low and behold I managed to meet it again and then some.  Overall, I’m satisfied with the amount of reading I did and I think for next year I’m going to set my goal for 150 books.

Christine's 2016 Book Montage

Suicide Squad, Volume 3: Death is for Suckers

Suicide Squad, Volume 2: Basilisk Rising

Suicide Squad, Volume 1: Kicked in the Teeth


Killer Cupcakes

Secret Admirer:

Christmas Caramel Murder

Xander and the Lost Island of Monsters

Jolly Foul Play

Mistletoe and Murder

Shadowed Souls

Endless Summer

Hallowe'en Party

A Very Scary Valentine's Day

Scooby-Doo! and the Truth Behind Sea Monsters

Scooby-Doo! and the Truth Behind Mummies

Scooby-Doo! and the Truth Behind Werewolves

Scooby-Doo! and the Truth Behind Zombies

Scooby Doo Graphic Novels: Scooby Doo In Barnstormin' Banshee

Getting Old Is to Die For

Christine's favorite books »

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