Thursday, August 20, 2015

Review! Goddess Girls: Persephone the Daring


Authors: Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
257 pages-Ages 8-12
Published by Aladdin on August 6, 2013

Summary (from Amazon):
Orpheus is a mortal rock god, and the girls at Mount Olympus Academy are wild about him! With his lyre and singing voice, Orpheus can charm pretty much anything—even things like stones and trees. But Hades and the other MOA boys aren’t charmed. In fact, they are less than thrilled that the girls are so gaga over this guy.

His fans are especially excited about his latest song about the girl he loved and lost, Eurydice. Orpheus was devastated when he lost Eurydice to the Underworld, so he asks Persephone to help get her back. Though it means breaking some very serious Underworld rules, Persephone pushes Hades to return Eurydice to the living world. But restoring Orpheus’s one true love might jeopardize Persephone’s own chances with her biggest crush...


My Thoughts:

[caption id="attachment_202" align="alignright" width="300"]Persephone and Hades Persephone and Hades[/caption]

This is the 11th book in the Goddess Girls series, but it is the third Goddess Girl book that I have read. The reason that I chose to read it is because I absolutely loved the second book, Persephone the Phony. I thought that the relationship building between Persephone and Hades was so adorable, they obviously had an instant attraction and it wasn’t so overly done that I had to struggle to get through it. Anyway, back to this current book, the relationship building between Persephone and Hades was still there, but, at least to me, it wasn’t as sweet as the second book. In this book, Persephone is again having doubts about her personality when a teen poll the mortals voted in calls her “dependable.” While her other friends gets voted for traits that they are proud of, Persephone
thinks being dependable is boring and unexciting, so she is displeased. For me, being dependable is a wonderful trait. Personally, I like people who are dependable because they are people I know I can count on. In that aspect, I don’t really see how anyone could relate to the Persephone’s dilemma. Fortunately, it didn’t bother me as much as it could have. Once you get beyond her “problem,” and accept it for what it is, the story actually drew me in.

The things that I liked about the book:

  • Hades and Persephone relationship grows and they are adorable!

  • Persephone is upset being called dependable, but in the end she realizes that being dependable is good, and she is thankful that her friends are dependable friends.

[caption id="attachment_199" align="alignleft" width="246"]Goddess Girls Joan Holub Suzanne Williams Simon & Schuster Goddess Girls postcard with the other books in the series[/caption]

With Persephone the topics seem to cover the insecurities that people have with their own personalities. I like the contrast between Hades and Persephone’s personalities. I think it’s one of the reasons that I like them as a couple so much. Persephone sometimes is uncomfortable in her own skin and in the books she often wants to act different to her true nature. On the other hand, Hades doesn’t care what other people think and he acts however he thinks is right. Even though their personalities have differences they also are similar in that they both like to have some alone time and they both don’t like the center of attention.

Overall, I would recommend this book to readers who have read Persephone the Phony and if you are new to the Goddess Girls series, I would recommend picking one up and starting it.

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