Tuesday, August 11, 2015

(Possible) News on Disney's Descendants Book Sequel


I was skimming the news section for Disney's Descendants and I saw that someone had posted an article about a possible sequel to Isle of the Lost: A Disney Descendants Novel by Melissa de la Cruz. This was originally posted on the blog A Stitch Kingdom, who calls themselves: "The number one unofficial site for news on The Walt Disney Company." Since they are unofficial, the news that they deliver is questionable, but according to them during Bookcon Melissa de la Cruz announed that she is working on a sequel titled Return to the Isle of the Lost. 

The early description (also from Stitch Kingdom):
Mal, Carlos, Evie, and Jay are back for more pranks, schemes, and other questionable behavior. As they embark on another adventure, this ragtag bunch will have a few new faces joining them: the children of other infamous Disney villains as well as the squeaky clean kids of familiar heroes.

Needless to say, I'm super excited for the sequel and I'm even more excited that the setting is going to be in the Isle of the Lost. Melissa de la Cruz did a wonderful job in the first novel describing the Isle of the Lost and how horrible it is, so I'm excited to see how the four ex-villains (Carlos, Evie, Mal, and Jay) act when they go back to the island. Not only that, but some of the hero kids will make an appearance, so if they go to the Isle of the Lost I will love to see how they react to it as well.

Regarless, I'm excited for this book and I will certainly be reading it (if it actually comes out) and it could also indicate that a sequel movie might be in the works too!

The original link to the article is: http://www.stitchkingdom.com/disney-descendants-return-to-the-isle-of-the-lost-to-introduce-more-children-of-villains-75686/

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