Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Top 5 Books Coming Out in 2016

Top 5 Books I’m excited to see come out in 2016 (with some honorary mentions because there are so many good ones!)


2016 To Read List:

  1. The Candymakers and the Great Chocolate Chase by Wendy Mass—Spring 2016 (a specific date hasn’t been announced)untitled

I absolutely loved the first Candymakers. It definitely has become one of my favorite books with the endearing characters and engrossing plotline. I have no doubt that this sequel book is going to be just as exciting as the original. I’m jumping up and down in my seat just thinking about it! You can bet that I will be at the bookstore the day that this is released to buy a copy!

On her website Wendy Mass has given a short summary of her book, which is the only summary I was able to find:
The title might change, but the plot will involve Logan, Daisy, Philip and Miles hitting the road in a tricked-out RV to find Logan’s grandfather’s original formula for the Life is Sweet chocolate. Each character will have their own motivation for going on the trip, and will have their own quests along the way.

  1. Masterminds: Criminal Destiny by Gordon Korman—February 2, 2016 y450-293

I hated how Masterminds ended on a cliff hanger (sort of) and so know then I’m absolutely sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens. Gordon Korman did a fabulous job crafting a world I was invested in the characters and their plight. This is definitely one of those books that I will probably pick up the day that it is released.
The clones of Project Osiris are free—but they’re being hunted. . . .  After their narrow escape from their “perfect” hometown, Eli, Tori, Amber, and Malik are finally in the real world and determined to expose the leaders of Serenity. They decide to track down Tamara Dunleavy, the mysterious billionaire and founder of Project Osiris. Evading capture by breaking laws and sneaking into houses, hotels, buses, and cars—are they becoming the criminals they were destined to be?

What they discover will change everything, leading them straight into the Plastic Works and the heart of the experiment, in order to uncover the deadly criminals they’re cloned from—and any evidence that will convince the outside world to believe the truth. But the outside world isn’t exactly what they expected—strangers aren’t just unfriendly, they’re dangerous. And the wrong move could send them right back into the arms of Dr. Hammerstrom—and trapped in Serenity for good.

On a breakneck journey from Jackson Hole to a maximum security prison—Eli, Tori, Amber, and Malik will stop at nothing to take Project Osiris down.

  1. The Trials of Apollo, Book 1: The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan—May 3, 201651qUIkwS7LL

I found out about this book when I was looking up Rick Riordan’s other series about Magnus Chase. I’m pretty impressed that Riordan will be simultaneously releasing two different series at the same time. I still hope that means that we will be getting one Magnus Chase book and on Apollo book (that is a lot of writing though!). Even though I just found out about this book it was immediately bumped up to #3 on my 2016 to-read books because I think that the premise sounds incredibly neat. I’m also excited that there were be appearances from character from the Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus series.
How do you punish an immortal? By making him human. After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disoriented, he lands in New York City as a regular teenage boy. Now, without his godly powers, the four-thousand-year-old deity must learn to survive in the modern world until he can somehow find a way to regain Zeus's favor. But Apollo has many enemies—gods, monsters, and mortals who would love to see the former Olympian permanently destroyed. Apollo needs help, and he can think of only one place to go . . . an enclave of modern demigods known as Camp Half-Blood.

  1. Bounders by Monica Tesler—January 5, 2016811GOl6bQ-L

I found out about this book on the goodreads giveaway page and after reading the summary I was hooked so I decided to enter the giveaway. Unfortunately I didn’t win, but I still fully intend to read the book soon after it comes out. I don’t know anything about the author or if this is going to be a series of anything, but I’m still excited to read this.
In the tradition of Michael Vey and The Unwanteds, twelve-year-old Jasper and his friends are forced to go up against an alien society in this first book in a brand-new adventure series!

Thirteen years ago, Earth Force—a space-military agency—discovered a connection between brain structure and space travel. Now they’ve brought together the first team of cadets, called Bounders, to be trained as high-level astronauts.

Twelve-year-old Jasper is part of this team being sent out into space. After being bullied back on Earth, Jasper is thrilled to have something new and different to do with other kids who are more like him. While learning all about the new technologies and taking classes in mobility—otherwise known as flying with jetpacks—Jasper befriends the four other students in his pod and finally feels like he has found his place in the world.

But then Jasper and his new friends learn that they haven’t been told everything about Earth Force. They weren’t brought to space for astronaut training, but to learn a new, highly classified brain-sync technology that allows them to manipulate matter and quantum bound, or teleport. And it isn’t long before they find out this new technology was actually stolen from an alien society.

When Jasper and his friends discover the truth about why Earth Force needs them, they are faced with a choice: rebel against the academy that brought them together, or fulfill their duty and protect the planet at all costs.

  1. Descendants: Return to the Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz—May 24, 20165172R2u+EHL

I will admit that I do, for whatever reason, like Disney’s Descendants. Honestly, I think it’s because it takes place in somewhat of a combined Disney universe. Yes, I know that it doesn’t make sense that Cruella de Vil and the Evil Queen know each other (it’s obvious they are from different times), but if you’re able to suspend your disbelief (I know it can be hard sometimes) I think it’s sort of a neat idea to have the different Disney heroes and villains being able to freely interact with one another. Yes, I think that it could have been done better, but at least it’s better than nothing. I’m excited to see the characters go back to the isle of the lost and perhaps interact with more Disney villains (and by extension their kids). Of course, if there are more villains, there would have to be more heroes as well (also with kids). Hopefully, these hero kids are actually decently nice.
There's no place like home.

Especially if home is the infamous Isle of the Lost. Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay haven't exactly turned their villainous noses up at the comforts of Auradon after spending their childhoods banished on the Isle. After all, meeting princes and starring on the Tourney team aren't nearly as terrible as Mal and her friends once thought they would be.

But when they receive a mysterious invitation to return to the Isle, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay can't help feeling comfortable in their old hood-and their old ways. Not everything is how they left it, though, and when they discover a dark mystery at the Ise's core, they'll have to combine all of their talents in order to save the kingdom.


Honorary Mentions

  1. Charmed by Jen Calonita—March 1, 201651gyQ1Y-1xL

Flunked was a reasonably good book and I intend to continue on with the series. I don’t really have much to say about this book. I think that it will be reasonably good like the first one in the series. Still I probably won’t be rushing out to buy this one.
It takes a (mostly) reformed thief to catch a spy. Which is why Gilly Cobbler, Enchantasia's most notorious pickpocket, volunteers to stay locked up at Fairy Tale Reform School...indefinitely. Gilly and her friends may have defeated the Evil Queen and become reluctant heroes, but the battle for Enchantasia has just begun.


Alva, aka The Wicked One who cursed Sleeping Beauty, has declared war on the Princesses, and she wants the students of Fairy Tale Reform School to join her. As her criminal classmates give in to temptation, Gilly goes undercover as a Royal Lady in Waiting (don't laugh) to unmask a spy...before the mole can hand Alva the keys to the kingdom.


Her parents think Gilly the Hero is completely reformed, but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. Sometimes it's good to be bad...


  1. Lemoncello’s Library Olympics by Chris Grabenstein—January 5, 201651bhriiJVUL

I really did think that this would be a one-shot book. I never thought that there would be a sequel. Honestly, that was the biggest reason that this became an honorary mention. I distinctly remember at the end of Escape from Mr. Lemencello’s Library I wanted there to be more character development for the large cast of characters and I thought that maybe if there was a sequel we could see more of the characters. I immediately dismissed the thoughts of a sequel because I felt that the story was finished, but obviously I was wrong. I probably won’t immediately rush out to buy this book, but I definitely will be reading it sometime in the near future.

Welcome, boys and girls, readers of all ages, to the first-ever Library Olympiad! Kyle and his teammates are back, and the world-famous game maker, Luigi Lemoncello, is at it again!

This time Mr. Lemoncello has invited teams from all across America to compete in the first ever LIBRARY OLYMPICS. Will it be fun? Like the commercials say. . . HELLO? It’s a Lemoncello! But something suspicious is going on . . . books are missing from Mr. Lemoncello’s library. Is someone trying to CENSOR what the kids are reading?! In between figuring out mind-boggling challenges, the kids will have to band together to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Now it’s not just a game—can Mr. Lemoncello find the real defenders of books and champions of libraries? Packed with puzzles, clues, and thrilling surprises, this is a deliciously fun, action-packed sequel to the New York Times bestselling Escape from Lemoncello’s Library. Let the games begin!


  1. [caption id="attachment_976" align="alignright" width="200"]51j2lM+zoBL__SX330_BO1,204,203,200_ Obviously not the final cover.[/caption]

    The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan—October 4, 2016

I like all of Rick Riordan series so of course this book would make it on my list. I read the first Magnus Chase book and I liked it well enough so I’m reasonably excited to read this book, but because I can’t really find a summary, I have no idea what this book is going to be about (except that the Hammer of Thor).

I don’t think there is an official summary out for this book yet (or at least I couldn’t find one).


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